Get up and Go

One of the hardest things for me growing up was getting up early.  Then I came across a saying, “You get better when everyone else is sleeping” – unknown.  Get up and Go!  Get up and go for a walk, run, bike, or swim.  Get up and go to the gym.  Get up and go do your chores.  Get up and plan your day.  Get up and have coffee with family or friends.  Whatever you do, just get up and go.  

Starting your day early has many benefits not only mentally, but physically.  The quiet time away from distraction can allow you to focus without distraction and improve your life.  We are all competing for the same hours each day.  Once the time has passed, we cannot get it back.  Rising early can allow us to accomplish more tasks without interruption and start our days with a win.  The extra time spent working on yourself will pay huge dividends over time.  Just an extra hour each morning will have a compounding effect on your overall productivity over the course of a year.

There is a fantastic manifesto written  by Robin Sharma called the 5am Club.  His catch phrase is, “Own your morning, elevate your life”.  Get up and Go!

Movement is Life!  Your Health Matters.